I read an article about the singer Britney Spears, not that I am a fan but I feel compassion for her. She has messed up quite a bit in life. I can empathise with that. Her mess is public. I read today that they have extended the control that her father James has over her affairs. He is the safe pair of hands the judge has entrusted things to. She no longer has control of her finances or career until the judge says so. It seems that most things Britney has touched she has lost control of, even her children. Today I noticed she won three awards at the MTV ceremony in Los Angeles. In true American style she thanked, "God first and foremost for just blessing me like this". She had done well and praised God for it. That is a good sentiment. I sighed inside as I said a silent prayer for her, 'if only you had put God in control of your life, He is a safe pair of hands.'
I have discovered the safe hands of God many times. I usually find that when things have gone badly its because I chose to take back control of the life I surrendered to him at the age of 10. Like Paul says in Romans 7:19, "For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice". He goes on to say that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
I am learning to reject that condemnation that comes whenever I sin. Its not God's voice. The Holy Spirit convinces me that I have sinned but also inspired me to go back to the Father trusting in the work of Christ. Jesus deserves the right to take my life in His hands. He stretched them out willingly, allowing them to be pierced so that I could be set free from sin. The true gospel is not asking Jesus into your heart, that's not a scriptural concept. The true gospel is the complete surrender of my life into the control of God - my safe pair of hands.
Surrendering your will, decision-making and control of your life goes against everything in us that is flesh. To truly die to self and take up our cross is painful and will cost us everything BUT its the only safe way to live.
Deuteronomy 33:27 is a great verse that tells us of our security: "The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you and will say, 'Destroy'"
He is not just a place to go when we need comfort or protection. Its a place to live in. There is a place of rest and here it is. In His safe hands we can rest. He will dispel those things that seek to attack us and proclaim their destruction. Its not easy to just rest in God. We are not taught to rest these days but to wrestle. God wrestles on our behalf.
Thank you God for being my 'safe pair of hands'.
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