This week we have a full house. As well as the four of us in the family we have three guests. Seven people in a semi-detached house even with four bedrooms is tight. To add to the equation we ordered a new bed and carpets for two of our rooms that were supposed to arrive in time for our guests but we still await both.
Two of our guests are from South Africa, one from France on an exchange visit with Jenny. It is interesting to watch the communication take place between English, Afrikaan and French.
How do you make things work in this situation? As well as coping with guests the normal busyness of daily routine has to go on. Doing the school run, shopping for the extras, sight-seeing, chauffeur duties etc. I think it works well if all concerned just try to fit in. Just one person working against that would cause disruption.
Another thing has also happened which is more precious. Not only have guests fitted in but somehow we have fitted together. My kids suddenly have gained the wisdom of two extra parents, we have gained extra sisters, relationships have formed. There has been a deposit into our lives because of this visit. We have been added to and enhanced and will change.
It reminds me of the wonder of God in forming His body, the church. One has a psalm, one a hymn, one a tongue etc. Church is not just fitting in but fitting together. Its the linking of hearts and minds led and influenced by His Spirit. Dr André Pelser named His book about the body of Christ, 'The Genius of God'. God has no plan B. His intention is to use the genius of His body to show Christ in the world. How we fit together tells the world what Jesus is really like. He is reforming His church to look like Jesus.
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