Monday, January 01, 2007

Looking Back

I am not someone who normally looks back much, there's too much happening to dwell on the past, but for me 2006 was a special year that I will remember for all kind of reasons.

It began with getting to know two very special people, Matt and Heidi. January was our first get together for a meal. It was an evening of great fun with lots of banter. It ended with us praying together as God spoke into lives. It was from this that I started to meet Matt regularly and we developed a very special relationship. It was two-way, he often spoke into me and in turn I passed on the new things God was showing me. For a period when work was being done on his home that affected him working there we shared my office. Not sure how much work got done but many meaningful conversations took place that cemented the friendship. He soon became part of our family with 'fridge raiding' being one of his favourite pastimes. He even had his own key for a time. Matt introduced me to many things: lunches out, blogging, cricket and many more. My last memory of him is watching God use him at one of our Friday evenings. It was meant to be a worship session but the musician couldn't come so we just waited on God. The Spirit began to stir us using the prophetic which ended up in ministry. I sensed Matt had somethings to pass on so when he looked at me I released him. He spoke into many lives that night and some are different because of it. It ended up with him and Alan rolling around on the floor laughing in the Spirit. We finally parted with a big hug, a hug that I have clung on to during some of the darker times. Two days later Matt went to be with the Lord who he loved and I lost a son. It was a short friendship but one of the most lasting in its effect on my life.

2007 was also special because in it God began to link me with people who would be used to open doors for me in my role as Prophet. In April I travelled to France to meet up with Wayne and Wendy Hadley in St Etienne. The trip started with my flight being cancelled which meant I arrived a day late. Wayne and I spent a day in prayer and out of that time it was agreed that teams from the UK should visit there in Easter 2007. I also reunited with Apostle Andre Pelser from Cape Town. I had met him the previous year when he prophesied over me in a leaders meeting in St Etienne. This encounter was during a weekend of meetings at which he was the main speaker. Out of this time he invited me to South Africa which led to me going there to celebrate his 25 years in the ministry. I had an amazing time and saw many new and exciting things God was doing in the earth. That one trip opened many doors for me. From South Africa doors were opened in France, Scotland and the USA (from where I am writing this posting). God is amazing and His ways are so much higher than ours.

It was a year of letting go, not only of Matt but of my son Ben. Not for good but into a new era in his life at Leeds University. This reminds me that me baby, Jenny, will also be on her way before long. That is difficult to adjust to but as a parent you want the best for your children and their progress is reward enough. To see God in both of them is the main thing and that gives us so much joy that the letting go is made easier.

So its into 2007. For Mrs Prophet and me it is a time of change. I am sure there will be more adventures and more heartache. That's life. How we react to these things is what is important. So far I have more trips to France planned, a possible trip to the Faroe Isles and maybe a summer tour in South Africa. All of that seems exciting but with it will come challenge. I have been stretched last year and I don't see 2007 as any different in that regard. Travelling may seem an adventure and it is but being away from the ones you love is not easy. One thing I am sure of, God has gone before. If I simply desire His path, His way and His destiny, then whatever comes, good or bad, easy or challenging, will come with enough grace to see me through.

Blogger friends, have a God filled 2007. I pray that you will rise to meet the challenges and don't forget that its all about HIM, King Jesus.


Teapot said...

A Happy New Year to you all in the Gunsworth family.

Just wanted to say that I was so encouraged by your words put on my blog comments.
Bless you.

And don't forget, I am praying for you all. And send Itineraries of future trips to pray over please!

Tony Goodwin said...

2007 is going to be a fantastic year! It must be if it's a journey with King Jesus. The journey may be hard at times but it's end is glorious! May God bless all the Unsworth Tribe and those it touches. Thank you for your encouragement over the last few months.