Immigration was okay, just a long queue. Still we cleared in plenty of time and even got a few jokes out of the Immigration officer.
So on to baggage reclaim. My bag came up after a wait but no bag for Bunsworth! We managed to find someone who vaguely looked in charge who looked on her list and confirmed that it was not on the plane. What to do? 'Make a claim when you are in Portland or the bag will come here and take ages to get to Portland..Have a nice day'
So we set off for Frontier Airlines which was as far away from where we landed as you could get and found another enormous queue. Time by now was becoming a premium. Managed to get to the front check-in desk. We'd gone to separate ones to speed things up. Bunsworth was checked in but I was told I was too late! After some pitiful pleas they managed to get me on but said run or miss it. The parting words were.. ' Your bag may not get on the flight sir and you'll have to pick it up at the airport when it does because it is your fault... have a nice day!'
Now the dash began, back in the same direction we'd come from when we landed to a gate almost next to the one we arrived at. All went well then we hit security!! Off with the shoes, out with the laptop, Bunsworth had to lose the belt as well so more delays.
We just made it but true to form my baggage didn't.
We were met in Portland by Pastor Richard Sharpe who helped us sort out what to do about the bags. This meant a trip back to the airport for me today and hopefully Bunsworth's bag will be there. Retrieved my bag but not Bunsworth's. Then we are told it may take up to a week because it didn't clear customs!!! 'Have a nice day!!'
So had lunch and then went to Walmart's and bought Bunsworth a whole new wardrobe. So for him at least it turned out to be a nice day.
Just to prove we are in America take a look at the mag on sale..

1 comment:
I am sure Bunsworth planned to get a new wardrobe out of in America, so I think he planned it all.
Have a wonderful time stateside, dont forget those blueberry pancakes and blueberry syrup are good for you.
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