I hadn't see them all since May due to my being away in South Africa and France for most of the time since.
I noticed a subtle change this time. Eloise is still sweet and lovely but there is an edge of defiance and a wanting to hurt that has crept in. Several times I had to firmly say no to her attempts to pinch and scratch. I began to think about this and asked myself what was happening.
I realised that what I was seeing was human nature and the development of things that the Bible calls sin.
What has God done about this. He has sent the solution and remedy in His own Son Jesus. A verse in the bible in 2 Corinthians 5:18 tells us God is reconciling us to Himself through Jesus Christ and giving us the ministry of reconciliation.
I am guilty of sometimes looking at today's parenting skills and complaining but I realise that what we see in society today is more than unruliness. Malachi, ends the Old Testament by saying that there needs to be a turning of hearts, from fathers to sons and sons to fathers. He calls them the sons of disobedience. He then says 'lest I strike the land with a curse'. Is this what we are seeing around us a curse in the generation that we live in?
God's answer is reconciliation. First towards Him as our Father, learning to respond in the security of His love to His correction; then to each other to turn our hearts to one another for those kind of relationships that bring the same love and correction. Maybe we should be looking for these kinds of relationships in life.
Good to see you both today!! Our Alan was so belligerent when he was between two and four that he must have had original sin by the bucket load!!!!!
INcidentally, you didn't enlarge on WHY you couldn't get under the bed!
Ha ha!!!
The Spirit of Reconciliation is such an important ingredient in our walk of faith. Instilling that in our children is (imo), an essential element that presses on the door to forgiveness... not to simply forgive, but be reconciled - one to another - with bowels of mercy and kindness.
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