Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One of those days

Yesterday was 'one of those days'. You know what I mean. It begins with problems and goes on either downhill or on the same level.

First of all my morning routine was disrupted. We eat as a family together most days and breakfast is sacrosanct, prompt at 7. That way we know what each other is doing. That went well. Seeing as my my day is more flexible I usually let the others sort themselves out and leave the house then I get ready. Not yesterday, I was sitting in my PJ's watching the news when Mrs P came and said her car wouldn't start. Avoiding the usual humour (she didn't look amused) I quickly dressed and decided I would have to take her to work in my car and sort the issue out later. After getting back I got ready to go out to help an OAP out and then to a lunchtime business meeting.

The errand for the oldie was easy enough. His tumble dryer had broken, he had ordered one on the Internet and asked me to pick it up. Simple, apart from the fact that when he had said 'Tesco' and 'Beggars Bush' I had assumed that it was this store I was getting it from. So I duly arrived at Tesco's with enough time to pick it up, drop it off and get to my business meeting in Erdington on time. I went to the customer service desk and was directed with a puzzled look to the electrical desk. After explaining to the girl on the electrical desk she got her manager. After explaining to the manager she got the store manager. I assured them that this was the right place and even saw a couple of tumble dryers with the same make waiting to be picked up. They rang extension numbers I had and told me the extensions didn't exist. Things were made worst by the fact that my mobile phone had no signal so I couldn't ring the guy to ask him. After half an hour I decided to go and use the store's public telephone and sort out the issue. I spoke to my friend and told him where I was and could I have the reference number he had given me again. "Why are you in Tesco's, its Curry's you need to go to" Now I am sure no such word was used the previous day. I left the store quietly. So off it was to Curry's who produced the tumble dryer in five minutes and wished me a 'nice day'. Not sure I can ever be seen in Tesco's again!

Anyhow, dropped the thing off and managed to get to the meeting with seconds to spare. Turned out to be one of those meetings where they want all of your knowledge for the cost of a free lunch. Still it was a nice sandwich.

So now to sort the car out. I sussed out that the problem might be the battery. Mrs P had made one of those useful comments, 'It has been starting sluggishly the last few days'. So after a word with my mate Bob the mechanic it was off to Halfords for a replacement battery. Why do these places never make it clear what goes with what? Another wasted half an hour trying to work out which one to buy. (I was never very good at asking) Finally sussed out the coding and bought one.

Now the debate in my own mind about fitting it. Do I attempt this or not? Then I get a flashback to the last time I did this and the way I eventually rounded off the head of the nut trying to get the retaining clamp off. So off to my mate's garage in Tamworth (via a petrol station, how come when ever I get into my wife's car it has no fuel). This is always an interesting time. He is a Penty if you know the terminology, and the worst kind, a converted Baptist Penty. The job takes two minutes but is interspersed with him telling me everything about everything that is happening in his church and closes with an invitation to go one Sunday.

By the time I get away I have a mad dash to Wylde Green to pick up the Mrs via a crowded rush hour Sutton. To cap it all it is my turn to cook!!!!

I often look back on days like yesterday and wonder what I managed to accomplish and was it worth it all. I can be guilty of feeling that if I haven't prayed for an hour or been 'spiritual' in some other way then I haven't done much. Then I realise that what to me was a dull day had done a lot for an Old Guy who can't get out of the house and had blessed my lovely wife in sorting out an issue that if I had not been around to do would have ruined her day. Maybe it is in these type of 'serving' moments that the real blessing lies. In fact I am sure of it.

So its into another day. Not sure what it will bring but we have prayed this morning that we will walk into God's opportunities so here I go.......


D Baynham said...

Interesting thought there Mr Prophet.

D Baynham said...

Arrrrhh, You have posted now!!!

We all have days like that, I quite like days like your Graham, I feel that I have actually helped someone.