Last September I was in Cape Town for the annual Summit of the Harvester Churches and as well as taking away lots of new material each church leader was given a 'Church Plant Pack'. Apostle Aje Pelser had advised us that if we brought a pen drive to the Summit we could have a copy of the files the pack contained.
When I got home I noticed a folder called 'Corporate Identity'. As I looked through the items I found that I had enough graphic material to start work on the website giving it a look and feel of being a church related to the Harvester family.
I began to do the work just before Christmas but time and events meant I didn't really get time to look at it again until the end of January. As I began to understand how it could look now I have the right graphics I gained heart and pushed through the technical obstacles until I had something I felt could be published on-line. It has been live now for a few weeks and already has evolved.
I was so inspired by the final result that I travelled to the Halifax Church with my son Ben who had helped me with the initial project and we made a 'website in a day' with them.
There is a scripture in Hebrews 12:2 that says: -
"looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"
We all need something to inspire us to complete things. Jesus was inspired to do the will of His Father and saw things through to the end.
Someone once said it is not how you start a race that matters but how you finish. Become a finisher in life. Run the race well. Endure hardship and push through to the prize.
For the believer the reward is everlasting life. It starts the moment you enter into Christ by faith.
New Harvester Reformational Church Birmingham website can be found at: -